Writing from Trident Hospital
I spent the night in the ER thanks to chest pain episode around 10 pm last night. Wife called 911 and after playing 20 questions with her they dispatched fire and EMS which arrived quickly. Five minutes after they loaded me on the bus I felt better.
My entire left side of my body hurt and I felt like a monkey was sitting on my chest. All my muscles were spasming which was fun. I was worried I was going to start cramping on top of everything else.
The ambulance ride compliments of Dan and Taylor went well. The EKG on the ambulance showed no abnormality to speak of. Katy drove my SUV to the hospital and sat with me until around 2 am. When they told us it would be after 4 am before a bed was available upstairs I told Katy to go home and get some rest.
The doctors visited twice saying that with my risk factors that they wanted to be cautious and admit me. The doctor said and I quote. “If you were my dad I would want to keep you over night”.
Great, a reminder that I am old….A senior…lovely.
Later this morning they will do an electrocardiogram and a stress test. My poker game tonight is probably canceled due to not wanting to drive myself back home in the dark by myself.
My birthday celebration on Monday evening better go on as planned. I mean, I organized my own party and invited my friends. My writing this on my ipad is vibrating the leads on the heart monitor and set off an alarm.
So, i am typing this with one finger.
At 0355 lab came in to take blood out of my hand. Fuck that hurt like fifteen curse words. Now i am still wide awake. I think the nurse put a sign on my door that says flight risk.
I better stop before the nurse takes my iPad.
Update to story:
As you can probably tell I was pretty out of it when I wrote the story up above. After looking at my Medium profile and articles I see this never got published. LOL Just as well… Nah, I will go ahead and publish it.
The good news is that after all the extensive testing my heart is fit as a fiddle. No problems found whatsoever. Now, I have the peace of mind to know that I don't have any problems with my heart other than hypertension which is under control.
I am losing weight and my A1c went from 8.7 to 7.5. The goal is 5.7 so that is a goal to achieve.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings here. I appreciate each of you more than you know.
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