This is a volatile but necessary topic for sure. I want to say that your article was very well written and you made an effort to keep emotions out of it. You also did not resort to name calling. I do not believe that anyone wants innocent lives to be lost because some mentally deranged person decides to make a name for themselves on national media. I for one wish that the media would STOP broadcasting each and every killing spree on every news outlet in the world. All that is doing is encouraging other nut jobs to try and one up the last body count. Common sense gun laws sounds great. The only problem is that criminals and crazy people could give a shit less about a gun law. That is not going to stop them. What if our judges and DA's actually got tough on crime and prosecuted criminals and quit sending them back out onto the streets to kill again? Our justice system and our MHMR systems are both broken and need fixing in a bad way. Ok, I will stop now.