The first time I lost a tooth, I lost two of them on the bottom in the front. Apparently my lack of a good annual cleaning allowed calcium to creep in at the gum line and destroyed both of them. They were lose as a goose and luckily I was not in any pain yet. So, I went to a dental clinic and the dentist yanked them out. He said they were both loose so I might as well get them both out at the same time.
I was not thrilled about the gap in my grill but oh well. I did not opt to have implants at that time. Fast forward several years after that (who is counting?) I lost two more teeth. One was on top on the side and the other one was on the bottom on the side as well. So, those holes in my grill don't show when I try to smile.
It is all my fault though. I do brush my teeth at least once per day in the mornings but apparently some annual maintenance is required which I had failed to have done. I went to Aspen Dental Care at one point and they x-rayed my entire mouth. Gosh that was fun as fun. Geezus.... this response has turned into an entire article all by itself. Guess what I am going to write about next. LOL