Member-only story
Stressing over the little things
Just the other day it occurred to me that I spend too much time stressing over things I have very little control over. I was standing on our front porch and I realized that I have forgotten how to stop worrying and to start appreciating what we have.
Is the glass half full or half empty? Are we pessimistic or optimistic? I would like to think that I am a realist. I see things for what they are or are not. What do people fret about anyway? Work, family, bills, money, debt, wars, famine, illness, body image, depression. Pick one or find one of your own. There are lots of things in our life to fret about. Sometimes it is hard not to be anxious about things or situations in our life.
I have spoke before about situational depression or anxiety. We worry about stuff. If only this or that would be this way or that way, then I would be happy or satisfied. Who are we as a person? Do we love ourselves? Do we worry about what other people think about us? Do we seek out validation from our friends or family? If we do not get that validation or approval how does that make us feel?
I need to learn how to stop fretting and fussing over stuff I have very little control over. Life is too short to constantly be paying attention to negative things and pay more attention to the positive things. We are what we focus on….. Or, maybe we act out in either positive or negative ways depending on what we are focused on. I need to spend more time finding the good and positive in both people and situations.