Member-only story
Retirement planning
If you are a baby boomer then you probably have retirement in your very near future. Retirement planning is essential and it should start as early as possible. Planning is the keyword here. It does not happen magically. Retirement planning should begin when you start working on your first job as an adult.
When you are in your youth the last thing you are thinking about is retirement. You have your whole life ahead of you. You are invincible and nothing in life can harm you. I am sure you have heard of the following statement. Working for the weekend. We work hard all week and we want to do what we want to do on the weekends. We want to have fun and party hard, right?
As we mature and grow older some of us tend to settle down and our definition of partying changes. Some of us get married and have children and build a family. Our focus changes from partying on the weekend to taking care of our marriage relationship and raising our children and sharing our knowledge and values with them. As we do that it takes more and more finances to accomplish that. Raising a family is expensive. Raising a family requires a lot of responsibility.
Unless you were blessed with family or friends who encouraged you to start saving for retirement at an early age you will find yourself in the same boat as we are. We are in our 60s and we did not plan for retirement. The good news is that you are never too old to start. Start putting something away today. If you can afford to go see a financial planner then do it. They will give you a game plan on…