Member-only story
Regrets of a 62 year old baby boomer husband.
I tagged you Iva Ursano because I loved reading your list of regrets. I figured this was as good a writing prompt as any. So, here I go.
#1 I regret that my wife and I after 34 years of marriage did not prepare for retirement. When you are young you feel like you will live forever. Then you wake up and your are in your 60’s and now we are in the 4th quarter of our lives with little to no savings or retirement. I guess I will retire from working when I am dead. I can sleep then.
#2- I regret not having a childhood. My adoptive parents were emotionally and physically abusive. We were adopted out of an orphanage in Ashchofenberg Germany. Father was a drill seargeant in the army, met my adoptive mother at a bing game. Mother was from Austria and worked as a translator at the consulate in Austria and spoke 26 languages. I am thankful that they rescued us from the orphanage and brought us to America. They provided for all of our physical and medical needs. I will always be grateful for that.
#3 — I regret that I parented our children in some of the same ways my parents parented us. I learned that I needed to break the cycle of abuse and did my best to pattern our parenting after what I learned from James Dobson and some of his teachings. Today our children want nothing to do with me…