Member-only story
Money, volunteering, talents, writing
Would you prefer donating your money or time?
I do a little of both but I probably volunteer my time more than money.
Are you more comfortable public speaking or standing up for yourself?
I am an introvert so speaking in public is not my cup of tea. As for standing up for myself, I can do that without a problem.
Are you happier being around children or animals?
I adore children from a distance. I prefer animals.
What describes you best: being around people or spending time alone?
Small groups of people are fine. I am not a social butterfly. I love people watching. The voices in my head keep me occupied when I am alone.
Are you a better positive role model for acquaintances or strangers?
I am not sure I am a role model for anyone…..
Would you rather have loved and lost your last love or never loved them at all?
I take option number one.
Is being free of your housing/education debt or of health issues more desirable?