Interesting article. Two thoughts. Guns are not violent. Gun violence is a term that gun control term that is used as a mantra to invoke change. Millions of legal gun owners who do not murder innocent people are not the problem. Lets fix our broken legal system that allows violent criminals go with a slap on the wrist. Lets fix the mental health system that fails to identify and treat mental illness in people who are dangerous to themselves and others. Lets remove all of the soft targets such as schools where sick people go on a killing spree. Local school boards and politicians do not want to pay good money to protect our children. When was the last time you heard of a police station being shot up? You wont because those are hard targets which are able to provide an armed response. You also never hear stories on the liberal news outlets when guns in the hands of legal gun owners stop violent attacks against them or their families. Yes, lets protect our children and educators from
Violent people. Its not hard.