If you try to board with the wrong group, it’ll sound a loud accusatory BEEP — and reject your boarding pass.
I LOVE IT!!! Jerks...
So, this is like those idiots who try to cut line to get onto a freeway entrance on a two lane road. Everyone knows that if you want to get on a freeway you have to be in the right lane and wait your turn. What do these idiots do? They stay in the left hand lane and zoom up until they are about 4 or 5 cars back and try to force themselves into the right lane and partially block the 2nd lane flow of traffic. Then there are idiots that go past the entrance ramp where the right lane is trying to do the right thing and they go past and then zoom in front of the cars that are legally turning left to get onto the freeway when their light turns green. I see this ALL the time.