I believe that all of us can relate to how you feel. You make some very good points. What is the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. More gun control legislation will not and has not put an end to mass shootings. What is the one thing that each of these tragedies have in common? The places where the violence occurs are soft targets. Why is it that criminals and the mentally disturbed do not go to police stations or miltary bases to start shooting? That is because they are not soft targets. They know that they will be ended should they decide to do that. So they choose our churchs, schools and shopping malls to do their cowardly and evil deeds. We as a nation can do something about this. Remove soft targets. Put metal detectors and armed people at the entrances to our schools and stop guns from coming into the schools. I know... we dont want to create a prison like environment in our places of education. We are going to have to make a choice. Do we want our children and teachers to be safe and come home at the end of the day or are we going to just not do anything? Why are we not asking our veterans to volunteer to keep our schools safe? Our veterans are trained on how to use weapons and to stop violent actors in their tracks. Sure, maybe not all veterans are suited for this due to alcohol or drug addictions or physical limitations. I bet that there are some of them that are up to the task and would do it for free. Maybe I am way off track but something does need to be done.