Hope for everyone
Over the years we have all known family members or friends who struggle with addictions. This is a story about a young lady that is overcoming those addictions.
While at work last night I heard someone call my name. I looked up and there was “K”. To protect her privacy we will call her “K”. I was so surprised to see this young lady standing in front of the security desk. When I realized who it was I said , come here and give me a hug. We embraced and I told her how proud I am of her. We reconnected on Facebook recently and I have been following her recovery journey online.
When I first met “K” she was a teenager at the church that our families attended. “K” was in my sunday school class that I taught. As I remember it “K” was a bit rebellious as a teenager. Does that sound familiar? I think that would describe most of us.
During that time I was friends with “K” on Facebook and I saw some very disturbing images and messages. I brought this to her attention the very next Sunday. She told me that she was not the same person in real life vs who she was while at church. When I talked to her about it she was angry and went and told her mom who in turn told the pastor. Lets just say I got a talking to. LOL.
Time passed and we got older (how did that happen) and so did ‘K”. “K” is now 34 years old and has four teenagers. During that time she got addicted to some sort of substance. I do not know all of the sordid details but I am proud to learn that she is overcoming the addiction.
I work at a social services building where I work doing building security. We see a lot of sick people coming through the doors looking for help to recovery from addictions. I am glad that they are able to get that assistance. Some of them find success and some of them wind back up on the streets doing the same things. Some of their stories end tragically. I have witnessed several people over dose in the lobby of our building. It is so very sad.
There is an opioid crisis in our country. Fentanyl laced drugs are killing people of all ages. Drug addiction especially claims too many victims in our communities. I am fortunate in that I have never had to experience that in my life. While I can not show true empathy I do feel deep sympathy for the things I see on a daily basis.
There was a young lady that told me last night that she was getting released today from the program she is attending. I congratulated her and wished her well. She was in the program for 50 + days. I am so thankful that she has a new lease on life. I hope and pray that she finds a better path without drugs in her life going forward.
As the title to this article says. There is HOPE for everyone. As long as your loved one is breathing there is hope for them. If you know someone that is struggling with drug addiction please do what you can to get them help. There are homeless people and veterans that wind up on the streets because of addictions. Our government and communities need to do a better job at getting these people help.
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